Posts tagged Urban Planning
Brownies for Brownfields

If you’ve spent any amount of time as a GIS analyst, particularly in the public sector, you’ve probably heard the term “brownfield”. A brownfield is a property, commercial or residential,  that is affected by the existence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Brownfields are a nuisance because they tend to be ugly and are likely to contain hazards such as unsafe structures, sharp objects, or toxic chemicals. How many brownfields are in the U.S.A. and what’s being done about them? Let’s dive in…

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Equity Mapping: How We Can Do More with GIS

“Equity mapping” has been around for at least 10 years and focuses on collecting information about topics like environmental exposure or access to healthy food. An equity map combines information about how data related to specific issues are spatially distributed and how they overlap with other demographic, economic and social vulnerability data. These maps are generally intended to help policy makers to understand where and how communities are impacted and where programs should be located. Let’s discuss what our communities should look like and how we get there.

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