Winding Down

This Friday (8/16) at Mugs & Mornings, we'll talk about "Winding Down" the summer.

What are the great things you did this summer that you are excited about? Would you do them again next year? What didn't you get to that you would have enjoyed? Let's talk about how you can create a wind-down routine for the season and set yourself up for a wonderful fall!

What is Mugs & Mornings? It’s a monthly meeting for women in geospatial technology that I started in 2020, as COVID started to shut the world down. Our local women in GIS meetings had been in person and we had to pivot to virtual everything. We expanded a bit outside of Geo and welcome anyone identifying as a woman in STEM to our meetings.

Register here to join us this week. Check the Events page for other meetings.

If you have a topic that you'd like to discuss or hear from an expert on in a future meeting, please let me know. I love incorporating ideas from our wonderful community!