Happy New Year!


We began last January in the throes of the Pandemic and now we’re continuing…in the throes of the Pandemic. While we’re all struggling because of COVID-19, we’ve also experienced success and growth. If you’re here reading this, you know that part of our success is due to this community. We’ve built something wonderful together, so let’s continue to build on that success together in 2022.

I’m so thankful that we’ve gotten to know each other over the course of 2021. I’m so glad to have the opportunity to continue to keep in touch in 2022. Over the next few weeks, you’ll receive an email from me, asking for confirmation of your contact information. Please let me know if anything has changed, and if you’d like to receive the occasional letter in the mail!

Thanks to @lucas_g_wendt for making this photo available freely on Unsplash

Flip the Script

I’m not a big fan of “resolutions,” but I do love me a good goal! If you’ve attended Mugs & Mornings, one of the GIS social hours, or met me at one of the virtual events I’ve attended/presented in, you know that I believe in goals that are focused on how you want to feel. It’s important to have tangible goals, but I always like to focus on how that tangible goal makes me feel, rather than achieving the goal just for the sake of checking a box. It also puts you in the mindset of WANTING to achieve this goal.

Sooo… How do you want to feel? Got your word? Drop it here! I’ll be announcing my word(s) in a blog post soon, so make sure you are subscribed or you are receiving the newsletter. (If you arrived here because you received an email notification about this post: Hooray, you’re already subscribed!)



As many of you know I run Eva Reid Consulting (ERC) part-time, and have a full-time job as well. I celebrated the end of 2021 by starting a new “day” job as the Data Manager for a large local government agency in the DC area. My position is full of new experiences and challenges, and while it's exciting to be working this new way, it requires more of my time and energy.

Over the years, I've often discussed the importance of taking care of yourself. At this time, it's important for me to do the same. I do not have the bandwidth to grow in my new professional position, write articles for industry publications, and lead several monthly group discussions. To attempt to keep everything going would result in major feelings of overwhelm for me. You know that I’d be the first person to tell you to scale back, so I’m taking my own advice.

Despite any changes that I am making to my business, my commitment to supporting and advancing women and our allies in technology (and beyond) is not going to change. This is a core part of who I am and why I do what I do. This letter will continue as a monthly offering, and I’ll still be speaking at various events throughout the year. I will continue to offer opportunities to discuss topics that are important to this community, and while the opportunities may look a little different, I feel that they will be more accessible and offer support to a wider group of people.


What’s going to happen

To make this happen, I’m spending the first few months of 2022 reassessing ERC and my offerings and making plans for some really exciting opportunities for us to continue to build this amazing community. Therefore, I will be pausing on hosting events in January and February. When events do return, they will be fewer, but just as impactful.

My blog will be more of a focus this year, and I will be highlighting some great people, ideas, and events. If you’re interested in guest posting occasionally, please let me know! Possible topics include:

  • Women in technology

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Ally-ship

  • Building community

You’ll also see some more collaborations between ERC and some fantastic groups and businesses this year!

Thank you so much for your support. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!



Eva ReidComment